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Vegetable Aspic

[From The PPNF Kitchen]
Dissolve 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin (Great Lakes) in ¼ cup water and melt over lowest heat. (Alternately, place ⅓ cup boiling water in your blender to cover blades and, with the blender running, drop into the whirlpool 1 tablespoon of gelatin. When dissolved, add the broth etc., as follows.)
Meanwhile, have ready 1¾ cups of broth, vegetable juice, or water, to which you have added 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce or ½ teaspoon of horseradish, 1 shake of cayenne pepper, ½ grated small onion.
Use any or most of the above ingredients in the blender and while whirling, pour into the center of the whirlpool the melted gelatin.
You may wish to use less water and add that amount of mayonnaise for part of the liquid.
Pour this into a mold or serving bowl and refrigerate until egg white consistency, then add 1½ cups of any combination of chopped vegetables or sprouts that you like: chopped celery, green pepper, carrot, cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke (sunchokes), cucumber, etc.
When you serve this aspic, place it in a nest of sprouts such as alfalfa or broccoli.
May be garnished with mayonnaise (preferably home-made).
Published in Health & Healing Wisdom
Winter 2006 | Volume 30, Number 4
Copyright © 2006 Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Inc.®
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