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Cilantro-Coconut Chutney
This recipe is by Olivia Tacelli, Arlington, MA, and is reprinted with permission from the current book, Taste Life! Organic Recipes, edited by Leslie Cerier. It’s available for $13.95 from:
Vital Health Publishing, P.O. Box 152, Ridgefield, CT 06877. Orders: 1-877-VIT-BOOK.
[Vegan, wheat-free, corn-free]
- 2 cups cilantro, greens and stems, minced or processed in food processor
- 1 cup mint leaves, minced or processed in food processor
- 1 small onion, minced (¼ cup)
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 inch ginger, peeled and minced
- ½ cup coconut
- ½ cup walnuts
- 3 tablespoons rice syrup
- 1 or 2 jalapenos, minced (depending on how hot you like it)
- 1½ teaspoons salt
- 2 tablespoons safflower oil
- Optional: a bit of water
Blend all ingredients in a food processor, blender, or bowl.
Use water if needed to make the consistency smooth.
Makes about 2 cups.
Published in Health & Healing Wisdom
Summer 2003 | Volume 27, Number 2
Copyright © 2003 Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Inc.®
All Rights Reserved Worldwide