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Diving Deeper: Your Immune System Health
Diving Deeper: Your Immune System Health
Featuring world-renowned immunologist, biochemist and molecular biologist, Dr. Judy Mikovits.
A 3-hour, online video class and offered by The Wellness Project by Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.
This class is a video and audio recording of the class given by Dr. Judy & Heather Dane on June 19th 2018.
Join our like-minded community as we gather together to discover what it takes to get and stay well
In this revealing session, we will dive even deeper into the inner workings of your immune system.
We’ll review what we’ve learned so far and cover some of the latest findings on immune health.
During this class, we’ll also discuss what’s been working or not working in your current nutrition, supplement, and self-care routines. We’ll take a look at a case study on cancer and discuss how to deal with emotions, like fear, that can show up on our healing journey.
In Diving Deeper: Your Immune System Health, we will cover:
Going Deeper into Immune Health
Dr. Judy will summarize what we’ve learned so far about the immune system and take a dive deeper. What does immune health really mean? Why do some things work and others don’t? How do you modify foods and remedies to your own situation? Bring your questions and experiences regarding what you’ve been applying so far.
Dealing With Fear in the Healing Process
Fear is often part of the journey after a diagnosis or health crisis. Perhaps you feel like your body has betrayed you, or you keep trying things and taking one step forward and two steps back. And there are countless other reasons to feel afraid. We’re going to address and honor this, along with some honest discussion about how to work through fear.
Cancer Case Study
We will discuss a case study of a client diagnosed with cancer. Learn how Dr. Judy interprets test results, which immune system supports are recommended, and why.
Extra time was given in this session to answer questions from the live audience about everything we’ve learned so far.
About Dr. Judy Mikovits
World-Renowned Immunologist, Biochemist and Molecular Biologist
Judy A. Mikovits, PhD has focused her life as a research scientist on curing cancer to honor her grandfather who died of the disease when she was a teenager. Dr. Mikovits earned her BA from University of Virginia and PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University. In her 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases, she has studied immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, virology and drug development.
In just over twenty years she rose from an entry-level lab technician to become director of the lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute before leaving to direct the Cancer Biology program at EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals in Santa Barbara. There in 2006, she became attracted to the plight of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism.
In only five years she developed the first neuroimmune institute from a concept to a reality and is primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between immune based inflammation and these diseases. She has published over 50 scientific papers and the book, Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases.
Dr. Judy A. Mikovits founded MARC, Inc. with her collaborator Dr. Frank Ruscetti.
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The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation has been teaching people how to attain optimal health for over 60 years. Our mission is to educate people on the remarkable benefits of a natural plant- and animal-based diet and inspire individuals to live a healthy lifestyle.
Our name honors Weston A. Price, DDS, and Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD, who made groundbreaking observations concerning the relationship of diet to health. From the original efforts of these early pioneers to those of current researchers, we offer life-changing information, articles, and courses that empower people to change their life through health and nutrition.