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The Tonsil Focus – A Major Contributor to Mental and Neurological Disorders
Anyone who has a history of sore throats as a child whether or not those infections were diagnosed as "tonsillitis" has the potential of unknowingly still suffering from a chronic tonsil focus as an adult. Receiving numerous bouts of antibiotics for these childhood infections further increases the chances of the formation of a later tonsil focus, by creating a more difficult-to-clear autoimmune dysfunction in the tonsillar tissue. Even when the tonsils are removed, any remaining un-excised lymphatic tissue in the area can continue to infect, and further, the surgical scars remaining after a tonsillectomy can create a disturbing interference field. When streptococcus pathogenic excretion products from acute tonsillitis or from a chronic tonsil focal infection affect the brain, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) and involuntary movements (chorea) are often triggered. These symptoms are so similar to Tourette