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Mexican Chicken “Party” Soup

[From the PPNF Kitchen]
Place a good, naturally raised, properly fed chicken (or an old hen or rooster) in a large vapor-seal soup pot or Dutch oven with 2 carrots, 2 onions, and several stalks of celery and their leaves, 4 chicken feet if you can get them; this adds gelatin and protein and flavor to the broth), plus a bay leaf and any herbs you enjoy, in one quart of water, or more, as needed.
Gently simmer with vapor-seal lid in place until chicken is tender (somewhere between 40 minutes and an hour and 15 minutes, depending on the age and toughness of your bird).
Remove vegetables and discard (their value has gone into the liquid).
Place the chicken on a platter deep enough to catch additional juices as you carve it.
Save all juices in the pot and from the carving platter.
To the stock and broth from the stewed chicken add more vegetables and diced onion and celery.
Warm to a simmer (not a boil).
Add 1 cup chicken, slivered, and ladle into bowls.
Each person takes his bowl and then adds from small serving bowls:
- Finely-shredded raw cabbage
- Finely-sliced scallions
- Finely-diced fresh tomatoes
- Finely-sliced radishes
- Alfalfa and/or other sprouts
- Grated Monterey jack cheese (raw, if you can get it)
- Salsa
Published in Health & Healing Wisdom
Summer 2006 | Volume 30, Number 2
Copyright © 2006 Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Inc.®
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