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[From the PPNF Kitchen]
Break 2 fresh eggs (free-range or fertile) into blender, then add:
- 1 teaspoon dry mustard (or French style mustard)
- 1 teaspoon seasoning salt
- 4 tablespoons cider vinegar or lemon juice
Place lid on blender and blend on low.
Remove inner lid and slowly add 1½ cups grape seed oil, or enough to make it thick and creamy.
Makes 2½ cups.
Suggestion: After you transfer this to a covered jar and lace it in the refrigerator, make Bleu Cheese dressing in the unwashed blender (to use the remainder of the mayonnaise).
Published in Health & Healing Wisdom
Summer 2006 | Volume 30, Number 2
Copyright © 2006 Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Inc.®
All Rights Reserved Worldwide