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Marinated Zucchini

Marinated Zucchini
- 2 medium zucchini shredded
- 1 small Maui or Vidalia onion (about ½ cup chopped)
- 1 medium red and or 1 medium yellow bell pepper (1 cup chopped)
- ½ cup cilantro leaves chopped
- 1 cup pure water
- Stevia to taste (about 20 drops or ¼ teaspoon of white powder; check this for taste, better less than too
much) - 1 cup raw apple cider vinegar
- 2 tablespoons olive or coconut oil
- ½ teaspoon granulated kelp or dulse.
Pour dressing over vegetables in a ½ gallon serving bowl and refrigerate to marinate from 1 hour to 2 days! Enjoy!
When you have left over brine from pickles or other home cultured vegetables, use it to cover thin slices of zucchini to make fresh pickles. Marinate at least over night in pint jars. Francis Pottenger, Jr, MD, always suggested eating pickles when eating out (and particularly at picnics) for the stimulation of the gastric juices:
Pickle your foods. The use of vinegar and pickles in hot weather helps counteract ill effects of heat and also aids in maintaining good gastric acidity.
When children are old enough to have a general diet, allow them to have pickles.
Editors note: Today we must remember the quality of pickled foods is paramount. First choice: pickle your own WITHOUT heat processing. If you use vinegar, always choose RAW organic vinegars. Culture a variety of vegetables and even some fruits for variety as well as to stimulate the production of digestive juices for the foods being consumed. (The body is awesome in its ability to respond to such stimuli!)
Published in Health & Healing Wisdom
Fall 2004 | Volume 28, Number 3
Copyright © 2004 Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Inc.®
All Rights Reserved Worldwide