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Cilantro-Pecan Pesto
[“From The PPNF Kitchen”]
- 1 large bunch cilantro
- 2 tbsp crispy pecans (soaked and dried)
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 tsp Celtic sea salt
- Juice of 1 lime
- 3 Tbs. raw butter (softened)
- ½ cup finely grated raw Parmesan cheese
- ¼ cup (or more) extra virgin olive oil. Use a traditionally made brand such as Bariani (many commercially available are in fact mixes of olive and other less expensive oils). A good test is to place your bottle in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours; if it solidifies then it is the real deal; if not, it is mixed with a polyunsaturated oil.
- Wash and thoroughly dry cilantro leaves and remove from stems.
- Place pecans, garlic and salt in the bottom of a food processor or blender then pack cilantro leaves on top.
- Process while pouring olive oil and then lime juice in a steady stream until cilantro leaves are pureed (add more oil if necessary).
- Transfer from processor to a bowl and stir in butter and grated cheese until well mixed.
- Taste for salt and serve.
About the Author
Annie Dru attended the University of California, San Diego, and has studied the art of human nutrition for the past 25 years, specifically as it pertains to the reproductive cycle. She teaches a local series of classes on food preparation based on the research of Weston A. Price, DDS. She has lectured at San Diego State University and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Annie was drawn to the work of Dr. Price when confronted with her own life-threatening illness. After years of exploring macrobiotics, vegetarianism, and various fad diets, she regained her health by following the principles gleaned from his research. Annie’s DVD, Easy to Make Lacto-Fermented Foods, is available from PPNF.
Check out these other recipes from Annie Dru:
Pan Fried Pastured Lamb Chops with Marsala Reduction
Coconut Curry Thai Shrimp Soup
Published in the Price-Pottenger Journal of Health & Healing
Summer 2010 Volume 34 Number 2
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