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Osteocavitations of the Jaws

Chronic undiagnosed pain of the face and head frustrates both patient and doctor. Each of us has a 24.3% risk of developing chronic facial pain by age 50 and a 33.8% risk by age 70, yet only 46% seek treatment. One of the most devastating and incapacitating pain disorders of the face is trigeminal neuralgia, or classically known as tic douloureux. Osteocavitations of the jaws are frequent causes of undiagnosed facial pain. This painful condition oftentimes is misdiagnosed as trigeminal neuralgia and may be treated with medications by a neurologist or neurosurgery by a neurosurgeon. There are multiple causes of cavitations, both local and systemic. If detected very early, the bony lesions may be treated conservatively with ozone injections, injections of homeopathic remedies, supplements and infrared. If cavitations are detected later in their development (as is generally the case) when they become symptomatic, the only viable treatment currently is aggressive surgical curettage of the bony lesions.