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Grass-Fed Beef: There Is a Difference
As the public begins to learn the truth about the health benefits of grass-fed beef that our ancestors enjoyed, they should realize that today, not all grass-fed beef is alike. There is a difference. When you are shopping for "Grass-fed Beef" you should find out if it meets the following criteria: grass-fed from conception to consumption; antibiotic-free; hormone-free; pesticide-free grass; vaccine-free; grass-fed beef do not get Mad Cow Disease (BSE); American beef is better; grass-fed beef is lower in fat than grain-fed beef; grass-fed beef is healthier than chicken; lose weight on grass-fed beef; grass-fed beef is high in the "GOOD" fat (omega-3); health problems occur when the omega-6:3 ratio is off; grass-fed beef has an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio ranging from 1:1 to 3:1; grass-fed beef is 4 times higher in vitamin E; grass-fed beef is high in beta carotene; less risk of E-coli; grass contains all the elements needed to support life; The Price factor-Activator X; rotational grazing.