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Muscle Testing For Your Health
Unlock the power of the subconscious mind
What is muscle testing?
Muscle testing (also referred to as muscle response testing or applied kinesiology) is a method of figuring out the body’s nutritional requirements.
It is a methodology or procedure in which the tester utilizes the strength variations of a muscle or muscle group in the subject’s body, in order to gather information.
Simply put, muscle testing is a method of gathering information.
How does muscle testing work?
It is most often done with a subject’s arm but more and more health practitioners are beginning to use the subject’s fingers instead.
This scientific method uses the body’s muscle strength response to help determine if a food, nutritional supplement, cosmetic or other substance is more likely to be beneficial or detrimental to the person you are testing.
What makes muscle testing so exceptional, as long as it is done correctly, is the number of ways in which it can be used to gather information.
Who uses muscle testing?
A great many Medical doctors, Osteopaths, PhD’s, dentists, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, and others find muscle testing to be one of their most important methods of gathering information about a patient.
Many consider it to be their single most useful tool as it gives them very specific information about a specific patient.
Simply put, muscle testing is a method of gathering information.
Learn the correct technique from a highly trained, qualified professional
What you get
3 hour instructional video
Covers basic and intermediate level instruction from David Getoff, a highly trained, qualified professional.
Learn multiple methods
Both arms and finger methods covered.
Information sheet
Comprehensive PDF handout.
The purpose of this course is to teach you how to utilize this phenomenal technique to help improve your health and the health of those you love.
Please note: This course is not meant to replace the services of your physician or medical laboratory testing.
About David Getoff
David Getoff is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine, an elected member of both the American College of Nutrition and the International College of Integrative Medicine, a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and Vice President of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.
David has been helping his patients and students improve their health for over 25 years using what he refers to as Results Based Nutritional Medicine®.
Learn more about David Getoff here.
The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation has been teaching people how to attain optimal health for over 60 years. Our mission is to educate people on the remarkable benefits of a natural plant- and animal-based diet and inspire individuals to live a healthy lifestyle.
Our name honors Weston A. Price, DDS, and Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD, who made groundbreaking observations concerning the relationship of diet to health. From the original efforts of these early pioneers to those of current researchers, we offer life-changing information, articles, and courses that empower people to change their life through health and nutrition.