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Gut-Healing Broths and Foods

Gut-Healing Broths and Foods
Featuring Health Coach & 21st Century Medicine Woman, Heather Dane
A 3.5 hour, online video class and cooking demonstration offered byThe Wellness Projectby Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.

This is the fifth event in our ongoing series. To learn more about our previous events, click here.
This class is a video and audio recording of the class given by Heather Dane on May 20th 2018.

Join a like-minded community as we gather together to discover what it takes to get well
Studies show that over 70% of Americans, and millions of people worldwide, live with digestive disorders from abdominal pain, gas, acid reflux, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, and more.
We know that as the gut gets leaky or permeable, the immune system suffers, brain health suffers, and fatigue sets in.
Why is this happening? And why does a leaky gut often coincide with autoimmune and neuroimmune conditions?

In this Gut-Healing Broths and Foods online video class and cooking demonstration, we are going to cover:

The Basics of Gut Health
Why did things go wrong with gut health? Why are the gut and immune system so linked? Which diet is the best for gut health? What are some gut-healing foods? We’ll cover this and more!

Little-Known Gut-Health Issues and Solutions
Is it food allergies, leaky gut, oxalates, histamine, or FODMAPS? Have you been told you have candida, SIBO, or parasites? Should you get tons of tests? What if you react to so many foods that you can’t figure out what the real issue is? Heather will reveal some often-overlooked reasons you could be experiencing digestive problems, along with solutions to support feeling well.

Demonstrations: How to Make Gut-Healing Bone Broth and Energizing Veggie Broth
Learn to make zero-waste broths and discover their healing benefits. Heather will show you how to make bone broth that gels every time, how to reuse bones, what to do if you don’t feel well when consuming bone broth, whether to skim or not skim, and more. Learn to make energizing veggie broths with zero-waste kitchen tips.

Gut Health and Methylation Q&A
Participants in the live class were given a chance to ask Heather questions on a number of subjects, including questions related to symptoms and gene variances.
About Heather Dane
21st Century Medicine Woman & Health Coach

A former high-powered corporate executive who suffered massive burnout, Heather Dane took a radical career leap after spending many years investigating the cause of her myriad health problems. Now a highly sought-after Health Coach, Dane combines her accumulated business and health acumen to support thousands of people in healing naturally with lifestyle, nutrition and nutritional supplements.
During her years as personal health coach to world renowned alternative health pioneer Louise Hay, Dane joined forces with her to bring the most cutting edge wisdom, including a culmination of Hay’s lifetime of work in their two books, Loving Yourself to Great Health and The Bone Broth Secret. These books reveal how making loving choices about the food you eat and the thoughts you think can deeply nourish your body and soul. Heather is a regular contributor to Mind Body Green, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Journal,; and she has a Hay House Radio show that airs on Tuesdays.
Considered a 21st century Medicine Woman, Dane draws from her Native American lineage (Haudenosaunee, Oneida Nation), combining ancient wisdom, her myriad holistic /alternative health training, and modern technology to offer the most cutting edge prescriptive remedies for your health. She specializes in supporting people to resolve addictions, weight challenges, stress, chronic fatigue, depression, autoimmune illness, energetic sensitivity and much more, while enhancing their capacity for self-love and self-care.

The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation has been teaching people how to attain optimal health for over 60 years. Our mission is to educate people on the remarkable benefits of a natural plant- and animal-based diet and inspire individuals to live a healthy lifestyle.
Our name honors Weston A. Price, DDS, and Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD, who made groundbreaking observations concerning the relationship of diet to health. From the original efforts of these early pioneers to those of current researchers, we offer life-changing information, articles, and courses that empower people to change their life through health and nutrition.